CAEP Celebrates National Ag Day 2018
Happy National Ag Day! Thank you to our dedicated hosts, our trainees and interns, and everyone in the agriculture industry who are helping feed the world. To the farmers who are stewards of the land and continue to help make our world a better place. And to our hosts- thank you for sharing your passion for agriculture with our trainees and interns and inspiring those to see the world in a new light.
CAEP ag trainees recently shared with us what agriculture means to them and the importance those in the agriculture industry. Read on to see what they had to say:

Agriculture is the art of trying to use less and produce more. In 2050 we will have about 10 billion people in the world and without modern-day agriculture, we wouldn’t be able to feed our world’s growing population. Agriculture has to grow at the same rate as the world grows. I feel proud to be part of this team. Every single day I wake up with the same goal, to help feed the world and to help try to find new ways and technologies to protect the environment, recycle what can be used again, and to keep my eyes open to new technologies that can be used for renewable energy. Agriculture happens with hard work and humility, taking others’ opinions into account and to always do your best! Agriculture has a strong weight in the national and international economies and it can change rapidly.
From a single rain to a major catastrophe, farmers have to have an open-mind always because only God can decide what amount we will produce! I believe in a better world, but just we can do that, every day trying to do everything that we can to reach a better place than yesterday.

Agriculture is the most important aspect of our life. The reason why is because we can’t live without food, natural resources, and nature. And to be a farmer is a great responsibility in our world. A farmer does many things and has great responsibilities such as growing neсessery cultures for people, feeding the human race, making our planet a greener place, to help increase the population of animals and plants, and lastly, a farmer creates a workplace for those who like to be close to nature.
I think farmers are doing a good job. Because of farmers, we can live without fear to be hungry as they help feed the world.