Together We Stand | COVID-19 Statement
In recent months, the subject of coronavirus (COVID-19) has been the highest topic of discussion. Preventive measures, guidance, and control of the virus have increased every day and we at CAEP are also cautious in regard to this serious matter.
We remain vigilant and support each step of our exchange visitors and partners, who count on us to mediate the relationship with agriculture professionals around the world.
Production and distribution of agriculture cannot stop due to the never-ending essential need. For this reason, the world continues with agricultural production, guaranteeing the supply in this challenging time. Tractors and combines will not stop. The care for our animals must not cease. Fields are preparing and crops will be planted.
In the cultural exchange community, we are making the necessary adaptions and postponements for the health and safety of everyone involved.
It is not a time for panic, but for social conscience and health precautions. We are working to give all our partners and customers peace of mind, as it is a temporary situation and requires prior organization like never before.
One step at a time. Let’s talk together about your possibilities, look for the best alternative dates and plan for when the world is 100 percent active again. Shall we connect the world’s fields together? Visit to apply!