Meet Horticulture Trainee, Raisa Borges from Brazil

“It has been such a great experience and opportunity! I’m grateful for the program. Kurt Weiss Greenhouse is the best,” shared Raisa. Raisa is from Brazil and is completing a CAEP horticulture training program at Kurt Weiss Greenhouses in New York.
During Raisa’s CAEP training program, Raisa has been learning about greenhouses operations including learning about the growing season of potted plants, quality control, pest and disease identification, greenhouse systems, and shipping.
“I was born in Corumbá, Brazil, which is a historical city and it’s the capital of Pantanal. I used to help my aunt to take care of her vegetable garden and that’s how my love for farming started. It just grew stronger and I knew which career I would follow,” Raisa shared.
Raisa studied agronomy at UCDB, at Campo Grande, and then received her bachelor’s degree at UFMS, in Chapadão do Sul, which is an important agricultural center. Prior to coming to the United States to participate in her CAEP training program, she was interning at Agrotec, an agricultural consulting firm in Brazil.
If you are interested in experiencing life abroad all while learning new skills and enhancing your resume, please visit our website to apply!